

A fusion of design and art is one of Tomoki’s themes. His unique ability to visualize corporate philosophies and messages has been appreciated by many aspiring companies and clients. The compelling key visuals or logomarks he designs to create brand images and the communicative power of his works with an entertaining spirit continue to inspire his clients who are seeking visual presentations that are truly one-of-a-kind.

In art, Tomoki stops thinking with words in his left brain and focuses on sensing everything with his right brain as if everything were sounds, frequencies, or vibes. By bringing these different vibes together to harmonize and mingling them with each other, something new emerges. That unseen image, or the new frontier of visual creation, is what he continues to explore. It is this extensive accumulation of visual languages in art that has become a vast resource for his designs, as he visualizes products and philosophies that are invisible or hard to describe with words only.


Tomoki Uematsu


子ども時代に夢中で漫画を模写していたのが、美術やデザインに興味を持った原点。1997年にN.Y. のパーソンズ・スクール・オブ・デザインのイラストレーション科を卒業。イラストレーターとしての活動を経て、主軸をデザインに移行。大手広告会社にてデザイナー、アートディレクターとして、日本企業、外資、およびGoogle、NIKEなどのグローバル企業のビジュアルブランディングを担当。カンヌライオンズ、TCC、ADCなどの広告賞も国内外で多数受賞。2008年よりフリーでの活動も開始。安藤忠雄氏の建築「森の教会」(韓国・驪州)のロゴおよびサインの企画・制作をはじめ、Amazon、NECなどのグローバル企業のビジュアルブランディングから、スタートアップ企業のウェブサイトや店舗デザインまで手がけてきた。現在は、ドイツのブランディング・デザイン会社、ペーター・シュミット・グループジャパンのクリエイティブディレクターも務める。アート以外の趣味はキャンプと自然の中で音楽を聞くこと。最近の楽しみは、息子との釣りとサッカー。

Tomoki’s interest in art and design began in childhood when he was obsessed with copying manga. Graduated from Parsons School of Design in 1997 with a BFA in Illustration and after working as an illustrator, he shifted his main focus to designing. As a designer and art director at a major advertising company in Japan, he devoted himself to visual branding for both Japanese and foreign companies, as well as global corporations such as Google and NIKE. The works he designed received a number of Japanese and international advertising awards including Cannes Lion, Tokyo Copywriters Club Award, and Tokyo Art Director's Club Award. In 2008, Tomoki also started working as a freelance designer. His experience includes visual branding for global corporations such as Amazon and NEC, and website and store designs for start-up companies. He also designed and created the logo and signage for Tadao Ando's "Church of the Forest" in Yeoju, Korea. Currently, he also serves as creative director of Peter Schmidt Group Japan, a German brand and design agency. Tomoki’s favorite off-time activities are camping and listening to music in nature. He also enjoys fishing and playing soccer with his son.



Please feel free to contact me as the artwork can be customized.


1 Hearing


First of all, I will dig into detailed information such as client needs, goals, and customers, and ask questions. Online support.

2 Analyze


Based on the information obtained from Hearing, I analyze various angles such as a competitor, customer culture and etc.

3 Create


I will verify various types of output based on the direction obtained by analyzing.

4 Gift


I will propose a creative product with the concept. Please contact me for the number of variations.






